Department Of
Pharmaceutical Chemistry
The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry provides all the necessary facilities for the synthesis and qualitative-quantitative analysis of organic compounds. It has two labs namely Pharmaceutical organic and Medicinal chemistry lab, Pharmaceutical analytical chemistry lab and Biochemistry lab.

Human Anatomy And Physiology I
The human anatomy and physiology lab provides models for human skeleton; human sense organs like eye and ear, heart, GIT is available. The blood group analysis and haemoglobin testing units are also provided. The various interactive charts which describe human internal organs and cellular function are available.

Pharmacology Lab I
The department have two labs in the name of Pharmacology lab and a Human anatomy and physiology lab are equipped with various apparatus for pharmacology study which include convulsion meter, double unit organ bath, Eddy’s hot plate, histamine chamber, kymograph drum, kymograph smoking unit, operation table, pole climbing apparatus, student’s organ bath, spirometer, stimulator, tele thermometer, water still and aerator.